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Section: Dissemination


Zenith participated to the following events in France:

F. Masseglia is a member of the editorial committee, and contributor, of interstices ( ), and a member of the scientific committee for the edition of “Datagramme”, the game from Inria on science popularization. He has given a 3 days training to elementary school teachers. This event, called “Graines de sciences” (Ecole de Physique des Houches, ) was funded by “La main à la pâte” ( ), a French foundation dedicated to science popularization based on manual activities. The goal, here, was to give a 3h training to groups of a dozen of teachers, by mainly using games and activities they would be able to transfer in their classrooms.

A. Joly presented the Pl@ntNet project and the resulting iPhone application in several events including the "Salon de l'agriculture 2013", "Les assises de la biodiversité", "Journée thématique du CNRS autour des usages mobiles de l'information scientifique dans l'Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche", "Rencontres Agropolis", "journée des nouveaux arrivants de l'Inria", "journées INRA/Inria", etc. Many news media articles, blogs, TV news and twitts also reported on Pl@ntNet (typing "Pl@ntNet" on Google is the best way to get most of them). Finally a movie was realized in collaboration with Interstices ( ( )).